Monday, September 22, 2008

life long learning #?? Web 2.0 stuff

I'm supposed to write about my ideas on life long learning. well it should be obvious, since I was 40 when I got my MLS, I'm a firm believer in always learning.

Even when I wasn't able to go to school I still read and learned and tried to improve myself. Learning keeps bad nasty stuff at bay, like alzheimers and stuff, keeps the mind sharp, helps the memory. And in this world we live in, no matter how fast, unless we want to eat dust, we have to stay at the head of the pack.

I try to learn at least one new thing every day.

I latched onto technology when Radio Shack first came out with their 'Trash 80' series. We had a Trash 80 series 3, not tape, but the first 5 1/4" floppy (and I do mean floppy) disk. I've never looked back, just learned more and more.

I love learning. Tech stuff and new ways of finding things and helping ppl connect to whatever they're reaching/searching for is just an added bonus. thing I firmly believe is, learning keeps you young in spirit. When I stop learning they'll be shoveling dirt over my grave (or dancing around my funeral pyre) and even then I'l be learning all the cool stuff of disembodiedness *big grins*.


Flickr among other things


well, I decided to set up a new flickr account instead of using my original one. Mainly cause my 'library themed' nick was avaliable and I can keep this one 'accessable to all' if I so choose

the photo is of Truus, who was my cockatiel before I had to rehome her. She's with Grant now, who used to work at the main library in the dungeon, services.

And though I have a flickr account, I prefer my photobucket account because it has easy handy already made urls I can copy/paste into anything I prefer to paste it to. The above pic is hosted on my photobucket account because the flickr one wouldn't paste and show up. Photobucket is instant.

I finally got the flickr image to show up by clicking on the 'all sizes' icon above the image when only viewing that image, then there's a url to post. I tried using the link in the address bar but that's not the one were the image is truly housed

Friday, September 19, 2008

Listening to Fantasy

Just how dangerous is it, to listen to a good book while driving? Or walking? Or fixing dinner? Or even chewing gum?

I learned years ago, don't, and I mean Don't listen to a book that will make you cry while driving. Sometimes you just can't find a place to pull over and clear your eyes and crying while driving is dangerous.

Shocker books can be just as bad, cause they leave you kinda stunned, which slows reflexes.

Books that make ya think a lot...LOL* well you get my drift.

Listening while walking is not so bad cause usually you can stop, though ppl** may tend to stare at you if you do (especially in the middle of a busy sidewalk or something)

Fixing dinner, well, beware of sharp knives if the book ticks ya off (or a couple of the characters do anyway) but other than that, it's pretty harmless.

Chewing gum? If you tend to spontaneously laugh (like I do), gum can be very dangerous. Seldom touch the stuff myself. Drinking liquids, well they can spray but it's okay (unless someone's standing in front of you, then they'll get ticked off for sure.)

Fantasy is a totally different kettle of fish though.

The distraction, the humor (in most of them), well written fantasy can really draw you in and immerse you and envelope you. The characters live and breath (unless they're vampires or zombies), even the evil ones (especially the evil ones sometimes.) Sometimes you can see what's going to happen before it happens and you can't do anything to warn the heros.

But the hardest part of listening to fantasy books on CD is, not wanting to do anything else while listening. Just sit there, or lie on the couch or something like that...because fantasy is "supposed' to draw pictures in your help you 'fantasize' so you can see the story in your head. You can see the bizzare characters, the colorful surroundings, the monsters and the saviors (even if you get them mixed up from time to time.)

So, just be careful if you're driving, or you might run into a dragon or somethin' *wink*

*LOL=Laugh Out Loud
** ppl = people

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Musings from the Wolf's Den

Why am I blogging? I hate to blog! Hate it I say! *sigh*

okay okay, I like online stuff...I have a youtube account (with videos posted), a photobucket account (with pictures posted), a flickr account, so I can see my friends' pictures, a myspace page (with links to the videos and some photos), a facebook page, I IRC, I IM, I Skype. I have so many email accounts I can't keep track of them all.

So why am I blogging? and doing the 23 steps? (hey, is that like a double 12-step program for techies?)

Because I want the portable mp3 player so I can listen to my books wherever I go, not just in the car. So I'm not bound to the livingroom area when I 'have' to hear the last couple of CDs of an awesome book I'm reading. So I can take music with me wherever I go (no bells, though, just clanking keys).

So I'm not doing it for the fame...or notariety... or even the adulation, cause I know those are not gonna happen *grins*...I'm doin' it for the money (mp3 player)